Although we didn’t specifically go looking for it, I couldn’t help but be taken in by some of the street art in Timisoara. The Romanian city’s culture of music, art, clubs and vibes is something unique, and infinitely more special than what I’d been expecting. We’re fortunate to have a link to the city, with who:ratio based there, and he and his crew spinning vinyl to appreciative crowds on a weekly basis. Expect some forthcoming Awkward Movements Sessions from one of my favourite places in the world.
Back to the street scene, and not only is it prolific, but the general standard is remarkably high compared to other European cities. The taggers and stencil artists really give each other space on walls and property to allow the next man to do his thing. Talking to some locals they’re quick to point out that you do still get your problems, but they’re happy with the way the scene flourishes. Interestingly, they briefly cited a character named ‘Jones’, who apparently keeps everything in check. From the little I understood, I believe Jones is a respected and established figure in their scene, keeping the peace between crews and somehow exercising quality control over the younger writers.
If you happen to be in town it’s worth stopping by U-Man, one of a few paint / pen / skate supply stores with proper selection.