A Short Film About Chilling…

Originally airing around 1990 on Channel Four, A Short Film About Chilling... has been credited with introducing ‘The Balearic Scene’ to mainstream UK television audience. I’ve no real desire to go to Ibiza, and I was just starting school when this doco was shot, so while I’m not the best person to commentate on how it’s changed for better or worse, this 35 minute short film is still nice viewing.

Got put on to this about a month ago, but since then the original links have been taken down. There’s a bit of a story about it (who doesn’t love talking about clearances int he 21st century, when most of the original indies have been swallowed up) around The Electric Disco and their efforts to bring the crew back together for a proper release, which unfortunately has been a few years in the work. The below version comes with a disclaimer that it’s been re-edited due to music copyright infringement, and I personally think it’s a massive shame.

A bit of a write-up below from DJ History on the fact that it’s never made it to DVD (though Monsta Funk is in possession of the audio tape that came out with it’s TV release, despite having never traveled there himself). Out to Angus Cameron for directing, the interviewees (including Terry Farley, Charlie Chester and The Farm) and Graham at Ibiza Music who’s currently hosting it.

“…bit of a convaluted tale to tell about this – about 5 years ago we screened ASFAC to LIPA students and Kev Sampson did a talk regarding the film – i asked Kev who actually owned the rights to it as his now defunct production company kenesis were commissioned by channel 4 but also the farm’s old label produce also had claims but had sold their rights to sony – it transpired that kev’s former partner paul oremland still retained the rights but he was now at fulcrum – i approached him with an idea to resissue the film with a ‘whre are they now?’ type extra feature but it all stalled on clearance for the music and went quiet – met peter hooton before xmas and he said he was on his way to london to meet someone to discuss reissuing the film but nowt has happened so far as i know. anyway – hopefully someone will get around to sorting it out as it remains a great snapshot of that time”.

No embed available on the video, but there are links you can copy and paste below, and under that there’s a three minute trailer.

Part One: http://youtu.be/aqbndq0F2BY
Part Two: http://youtu.be/ZqgwrevmEO8
Part Three: http://youtu.be/gfl0Y3zWcuA
Part Four: http://youtu.be/_rnWCGuggQo
