The man behind the look and style of Science & Romance is the one Rob McDougall, who just keeps topping our expectations with his work.
Kato came to me with a concept for an album cover. He showed me lots of photographs he’d found as inspiration for the look and feel he was after. One in particular stood out, which was a tower block silhouetted against a debris filled sky.
Keeping this photograph in mind, I set about trying to capture buildings in various states of disrepair. I visited a couple of abandoned housing estates around where I live in East London, but was frustrated with my results and concluded that a photographic solution was not what was needed for this piece.
One flat in particular near Leather Lane caught my eye. It was remarkably simple in terms of construction, and I set about modelling it in 3D. Once I had the model, I used a few techniques to break it into pieces and destroy it. So, then I had the still for the front cover. But, what I also had was 500 frames of dynamics animation of the building falling down. So I rendered this out also, and assembled an animation.
I came up for the concept of the logo on the back of an envelope. I was struggling with the arrangement of the type. A colleague of mine, Jack Plant offered his services and in next to no time had designed exactly what I had envisioned.
Having finished with the physical designing aspects he then moved his attentions to a short animation drawing on the elements that came in to the final design. Big ups to the man, he’s been turning out incredible stuff for the last few years and we’re exceptionally stoked to have him on board for this.