As predicted, Red Bull Culture Clash the second time around was heavy. This format of a night has fast become my favorite, and we’re hoping that the success of the two nights this year is going to spawn some smaller and more permanent monthlies around London.
Channel One took out a much deserved victory, with Metalheadz putting up a damn good fight. Soul Jazz Sound System we’re incredible too as always, and though there was nothing specifically wrong with Skream and Benga it was an unfortunate fact that a portion of the crowd this time round entered and exited according to Skream and Benga playing, as opposed to staying to hear all four sound systems clash. Sgt. Pokes‘ unexpected appearance on their stage definitely added to their cause in the battle though – hands down the best MC in the game.
That said, Joker was a massive stand-out from their stage. I really need to make an effort to go see him out live more, as him and Pokes were the definite highlights from their camp.
Myself and Timmy K we’re in support armed with photo equipment on the night. Out of the some 900+ shots we snapped on the night, he’s selected just over 100 of his favorites, which are up on his Flickr account here:
In the meantime check some of the top profile shots of the talent below. If you’re after any hi-res, want to use any images or to see the full collection feel free to get in touch. Big ups RBMA, crazy good night.