The brutal realisation that I wouldn’t play most of my record collection again before I die prompted me to start doing All My Records. As the name suggests this is is me playing all my records by order that they’ve ended up in my shelves: left to right, top to bottom, how they’re currently sitting. Single deck show, one off and one on, ladened with unnecessary reminiscing about when and why I bought them and talking crap. It’s remarkably therapeutic, I recommend you try it.
Welcome to Episode 14, where things start to get random. Record by record we seem to be shifting from techno to the experimental world of electronic music. DJ Nature formerly (DJ Milo of The Wild Bunch fame) was a a wonderful way to kick things off. Return Of The Savage is one of the all-time great house LPs in my humble opinion. While we’re talking full-length house records we also took two cuts from Maxmillion Dunbar’s House of Woo which takes me back to Phonica every time I hear it.
We also touched on some of my favourite labels, playing releases on The Trilogy Tapes (MGun and Tuff Sherm aka Dro Carey), Further Records (Red Math), Clone (Legowelt remixed by Actress), Werk Discs, Type Recordings (Pete Swanson), Raster-Noton (Kyoka) and Horizontal Ground (Skirt aka Bethany Skirt).
There’s more in there, check the sleeves below for the full rundown.
I don’t tire of saying how much I’m digging the process of playing all my plates. Multiple times this show I run down records prematurely or forget what’s on them only to fall in love with them all over again after.
The kids pop in with cookies at one point. There’s something nice about being able to share this experience with them. Damn, I’m getting emotional with Christmas around the corner, best end it there.
Thanks again for listening, hope you dig it.